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New Lightweights (country, pop)

When Ariel Posen, Alexa Dirks and Ryan Voth first formed The New Lightweights in early 2008, it was a way for three long-time friends to get together and make music they enjoyed. They began writing together, and in 2009 they released an EP of all original material that received critical acclaim and heavy CBC rotation.  The sum of all their parts creates a sound that is soulful and fresh with Dirks' siren voice, Ariel's melodic guitar playing and Ryan's dynamic and precise drumming at the forefront. They bring together their love and knowledge of folk, pop and soul music and turn it into something captivating for the ears and the heart.  From Winnipeg, Manitoba


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New Lightweights - What Keeps Us Togethe

What Keeps Us Together (EP) - 2012

New Lightweights - Munson Park -

Munson Park - 2015

You can help support Rock My World Canada for the price of a coffee, so hey, buy us a coffee!
