, pub-8431740912952467, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

P:ano (indie folk, pop rock)

P:ano was an indie pop band formed in 1999 from Vancouver, British Columbia. The band's members consisted of Larissa Loyva, Justin Kellam, Julia Chirka, and Nick Krgovich. P:ano's style was a diversity of musical and thematic interests as the band members played several instruments. As it turned out, P:ano's voice was uniquely eclectic, idiosyncratically engaging a diversity of musical and thematic interests.

Piano - When It's Dark And It's Summer -

When It's Dark  And It's Summer - 2002

Piano - The Den - 2004.jpg

The Den - 2004

Piano - Brigadoon - 2005.jpg

Brigadoon - 2005

Piano - Ghost Pirates Without Heads - 20

Ghost Pirates Without Heads - 2005

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