, pub-8431740912952467, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

The Hearts (alternative, indie pop)

The Hearts from Edmonton, Alberta deliver memorable melodies and moody harmonies that appeal evenly in soft seat theatres, dive bars, or at international music festivals. What sets them apart is just how naturally their down-to-earth songwriting rests against a dreamy backdrop of custom-made Americana  textures - six captivating musicians blending into one unforgettable sound. Spanning four albums, The Hearts’ music has been featured in HBO and MTV productions, received international critical acclaim and charted across Canada. - The Hearts

Hearts - Black Dogs Blue Giants - 2009.j

Black Dogs Blue Giants - 2009

Hearts - Equal Parts Reason And Moonligh

Equal Parts Reason And Moonlight - 2011

Hearts - Equal Love - 2015.jpg

Equal Love - 2015

Hearts - Sunshine (EP) - 2018.jpg

Sunshine (EP) - 2018

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