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Sean Abbott (rock, blues)

Sean Abbott is a blues rock oriented guitar artist who has been called "A one man blues renaissance" and is keeping guitar music alive and well by performing guitar classics you would only get to see if you gathered the British and American guitar legends together in a room for one night.  Sean’s musical influences come from England as well as the United States and Toronto where he was born. He has mastered the guitar stylings of the British blues legends as well as the American blues masters.

sean abbott.jpg
Sean Abbott - Atomic Invasion - 2000.jpg

Atomic Invasion - 2000

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1. Atomic Invasion                                                                  2. Devil's Pride 

3. Sail Away                                                                            4. Shade of Blue

5. Foolmaker                                                                           6. Love Drives 

7. The Ghatts                                                                          8. Eastern Sky 

9. Thunder Pants                                                                  10. Dreaming,

11. March of the Earwig                                                        12. Ebo the Dobro (bonus track)
